Ready to find Yourself and start to dance with the Universe?
During one of the first session I held, I had a clear vision: the person who was working with me, beautifully focused in the stillness, was creating with her mind a golden egg to which she was preparing to give birth.
Around her I was extremely busy holding and keeping this space so that the birth could happen, as if I was a Spiritual Doula.
Photos by Francesca Nicolosi.
You know…
that your life has a deeper meaning and that you have an inner call to share with the world. The problem is that you don’t have clarity about it YET.
Don't worry, you're not alone!
It is suffocating thinking about the future when you are stuck. At the end of the day you are tired and you don't feel happy to be yourself and about the way you have spent your time and energy. You can not find the joy and satisfaction that you know you can experience in your life.
Often connecting with others is tiring and you feel as if you speak a different language. You wish you could share who you are and what you believe in but you don’t have a clue where to start from.
You know that you have many skills and that you can succeed but for some reason the way you have lived so far has no value for you anymore. You are tired of doing things because you have to; now you need to find a direction that reflects your true essence and allows you to share and enhance your true abilities. The problem is that you don’t know how!
Here is what I want to tell you: there is nothing wrong with you! This is the way you feel because you have lost the sense of the direction to follow in your life and and the deep part of you that remembers it is trying to make you understand!
I’ve been there too… Living a successful life, with a promising career in academia. And feeling out of control, with no clear vision for my future. I was living, but it was not my life! I had no idea of how to make decisions for myself. My life had no balance and I was just being carried along by the events.
For this reason, I decided to leave everything to find a way to create a life that respects who I really am. After years of studies, research and experimentation I can finally say that I am living My Life while listening to myself and respecting my physical and spiritual needs. Moved by the desire to share this experience of transformation, I created business so that I can help others stop feeling lost and start to find clarity within themselves so that they will always know how to move forward in their lives. I created this course following my need to understand how to become co-creator of my own reality, a subject that I have studied for years from different perspective, joining the social psychological perspective I have deepen during my PhD with personal development theories and spiritual techniques. Now my life and business are based on the enhancement of my gifts and in line with my world view, and every day I feel full of enthusiasm and gratitude as I work with others to transform their lives.
“If you don’t know yourself, you can’t live the life of your dreams. ”
Now it is time to start doing what you find meaningful on a deep level. You too, can gain clarity and find your own way by reconnecting you with your inner self.
If you take a minute to listen to yourself, you can clearly feel that it is time to start creating the life that is waiting for you so that you will be able to express your gifts and start pursuing your deepest mission.
You have reached this point at this moment for a specific reason: to reconnect your experiences, your skills and teachings to let your essence shine, creating joy and success on your own terms and eventually find or create the job that best suits you.
It doesn’t need to take years to get to the life you want! I did it the hard way, but you don’t have to - I guide my students through what I learned in a few weeks, saving you heartache, time, energy and money.
This path is for you if…
You want to start waking up every morning with the desire and enthusiasm to work on what most of all comes natural to you because you know that this will benefit yourself and all the people who will come in contact with your world.
You want to learn how to use the tools we all have to be able to listen to yourself and rediscover the connection with your inner source of knowing to live a life that 100% reflects who you are.
You want to go to bed at the end of the day feeling accomplish and happy with yourself.
If these words resonate within you, then your transformation is already beginning and you will not be able to go back. The good news is that you don’t have to go through the transition from what you know but it doesn't work, towards what you want but you don't know, on your own. I’m here to guide you in changing not only your vision of the world but the way you are and live so you can:-offer your gifts to make a difference in this world;-finally live your passion and life purpose;-feel centered on yourself in all your actions.
What are we going to do together?
We will have 12 deep and transformative sessions online, so that we can explore your current situation and create new patterns that will transform you and your life.
Bespoke homework each week, so that you can really make yours what you are learning.
It will let you reopen the dialogue with the deepest part of yourself so as to bring out your truth. Later we will work on all those beliefs that you have inherited from the social context in which you find yourself and which are limiting the perception that you have of yourself and your possibilities.
Each of us has the ability to change the reality in which we live using the incredible tools that we have!
This approach differs from any other experience because it arises from the integration of theories and perspectives of social psychology and spiritual tools to offer you a concrete way to regain possession of your life.
It offers women who have the clear need to change their life to move from doing what they are supposed to do to what is in alignment with their inner world and share their most real essence.
Thank you!
A special thanks to Francesca Nicolosi for the photos. I have been working with her since when I was a teenager and everytime it has been a magical experience that has offered me the possibility to discover new aspects of myself.
Lots of gratitude to Morgana Mccabbe Allan for encouraging me to be exactly who I am and for checking what I wrote in this page.