Carolina is a skillful and perceptive facilitator! She helped me see a seemingly stuck situation under another angle, thus helping me move to a broader understanding of the whole picture. Her facilitation is insightful, clear and gentle. Thank you! Valeria
I was a little bit nervous at first because I didn’t know Carolina that well or what was going to happen. But I learned that there was not supposed to be a structure because it was a moment created by me and Carolina that mattered. She was amazing at guiding me towards what I consciously wanted to head towards. After our finishing meditation I had urge to blow out the candle between us together and was so surprised when she told us to do so! We had created something together. Liisa
In my work with Carolina I could reconnect with my intention and gain more alignment in living my day to day life purpose. Through exercises, meditations and guidance Carolina’s presence and gentle holding of the space has supported me to focus on my hidden treasures and go deeper within me to gain clarity and simplicity. Carolina truly inspires me as a person, dedicated to her path and life purpose work. Thank you! Anna